Sunday, June 22, 2008

words... it needs work.

there is this sensation, a sensation described solely by physical and mental experience. it's a movement that originates from the earth and moves through your hands and mouth and into the hands and mouths of others. they can penetrate our skin like thin needles or they can heat our bones like warm milk. they move water through our eyes and make us laugh and cry; they move our spirit and tickle our kidneys; they warm our hearts when we are loved and they tremble our hearts when we are lost.

they obey the laws of arithmatic, adding subtracting letters and characters to create sensations. sensations of sound, of sight, of smell, of touch, of voice, and of taste. they are words. 

words are sensations. there are millions of them, many of which share commonalities to create simple and complex languages. they define our culture and create organization and structure. they fall out of our mouths and onto paper or the hearts of those around us. they jostle your bones and layer themselves on paper to create sentences, chapters, and stories, they can be words of meaning, words of love, and words of hate, words of description, and words of analysis, words of debate, ancient words, and make-believe words. words that are long and words that are short. words are sensations, they move us and stimulate us, they haunt us and they inspire us.

songs are words. they are words that move by themselves. they float in the sky and reverberate through our minds. they dance and hop in the air and enter and leave our dreams. songs are like rivers of words that flow and move and glisten with the sun, they conjure sensations of joy, hate, sorrow, love, and dissapointment. these moving words speak to us in the air and through our ears and manipulate generations. they can move through us shaking our bones, or they can warm our hearts and nestle our souls. often times we lose ourselves in moving words, we lose our thoughts; our pains, our sorrows, and our struggles. other times we breathe moving words and we engross ourselves in the very words through which we breathe. songs are words. they are words that move by themselves. they float in the sky and reverberate through our minds.

pictures are words. they are words with details and forms. words with detailed definitions. sometimes they are animated forms with colors and layers and textures and emotions. they are layered words. they layer on top of each other, stacking themselves to create textures, colors, shades, and shapes. they can be simple or complex, stacking to create layers and layers. These layers of words make up forms. animal forms, human forms, plant forms, all different forms. they can be one dimensional forms, two dimensional forms, or three dimensional forms. pictures are words, they are words with details and forms. words with detailed definitions.

moving and dancing are words. they are specific words that fit together like puzzle pieces and create beautiful moving pictures. steps, phrases, and techniques are all words. they can be beautiful long words or short and abrupt words. they are words that move us and our bodies, they are words that move through our feet and out our hands and our mouths. they are silent words that you can't hear, but you can see. they are words that manifest themselves through the body as shapes, and colors, and sounds. moving and dancing are words.  they are specific words that fit together like puzzle pieces to create beautiful moving pictures.

what a privelage it is to know words, to experience words, to feel words, to speak words, to see words, and to breathe words. we are blessed  with words, to know and understand words. to be able to write words and speak words. let the words you speak be who you are, and let who you are be the words you speak. let this be truth. words are sensations.  they move us and stimulate us, they haunt us and they inspire us. 

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